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Cambridge & District Chrysanthemum Society Early show 1/9/24

NCS Chair Geoff Allen went to support Cambridge & District Chrysanthemum Society show on Sunday. A warm welcome was recieved, and it was nice to see a novice grower - and a really lovely set of John Wingfield winning the novice class.  Among others, we were greeted by Dennis and Dawn Homer, Ron Jones, Jim Osborne and Andy Wickham. Here are a few photos from the visit. 


A few photos from the AGM held

Mal reynolds radio interview

Mal reynolds radio interview

In depth piece on all aspects of showing and judging by Harry Lawson

In depth piece on all aspects of showing and judging by Harry Lawson

This is article I wrote in the early nineties; I have tried to make it interesting looking back

How it All Began by Peter Fraser

How it All Began by Peter Fraser

It all started in the Autumn of 1986 while I was working as a professional musician in London.

Easy Earlies by Ken Dear

Easy Earlies by Ken Dear

Easy Earlies by Ken Dear (first published in 1999 Autumn Bulletin)

Easy Earlies Part 2 by Ken Dear

Easy Earlies Part 2 by Ken Dear

In the previous article we more or less covered the early part of the season.