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How it All Began by Peter Fraser

How it All Began by Peter Fraser

It all started in the Autumn of 1986 while I was working as a professional musician in London.

I was a saxophone player. I was having trouble getting my breath; it had started in the Summer and had got worse so it called for a visit to the local vet (Doctor). After various tests he decided to send me to the factory (hospital). After more tests it was diagnosed that I had TB.

I was sent to a sanatorium in Kent. After three months there I was sent to a place called Woolley in the North East. After further 3 months I was allowed home, given the all clear and told to get plenty of fresh air and plenty of walks.

As we had a dog he thought all his Birthdays had come at once and it was during these walks that it all started. We used to pass local allotments and this guy was growing paper bags on bamboo canes. This really got me interested.

After checking every time we walked past, we finally got caught. The allotment holder (his name was George) said "Can I help you"?
I said I was interested what was in the paper bags. He said "They are my Chrysanthemums. Come in and have a look".

He opened one of the bags and inside was this white chrysanthemum, I think it was called Evelyn Bush. He said "I am hoping to show them at the local show". He also grew Leeks, Celery, Carrots, and Dahlias. He said "Why don't you come to the show on Saturday and see how I get on?"

On the Saturday Night I decided to go to the Local Show. George had won every thing and the five white chrysanthemum was the best exhibit in the show.

From that day on I was hooked and have been growing ever since!

After a successful exhibiting career Peter has recently turned his attention to breeding. Some of Peter's seedlings are displayed on this page

Peter's Flowers