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National Chrysanthemum Society Officers Regional Group Representatives

Management Team

Contact Details

General Manager

Jim Vickerman

O7885 747 222


Andy Wickham

07528 546 751


Ian Moss

01514 263 164

Memberships & Sales

Sally Vickerman

01270 820 911

Promotional Development

Geoff Allen

07925 053 304


Mrs Ann Allen

01215 263 014

Social Media

Neil Cooper

07941 520 708


Richard Watson

01924 370 731


Mrs Jackie Parkes

07592 709 769


Roger Brownbridge

01423 508 271

NCS 175

John Pattison

07914 952 475

Sales Fulfilment

Barry & Daphne Hogg

01302 722 501

Regional Group Representative

Midland - Dave Hubball


Northern - Alan Smith


Scottish - Brian Grant


South Wales - Ivor Mace


Western – Colin Parkes