Willenhall Chrysanthemum Society

Willenhall Chrysanthemum Society held it’s AGM and pot plant competition on Saturday 27th April 2024.

We had over 20 entries in the pot plant competition and Andrew McDougall gave us all the reasoning behind his choices. Dennis Homer had the best plant in show for the second year running.

We also had new members attending, as well as one more potential member.

Graham Bradley made some cakes for us to share with our tea, coffee and biscuits, so everyone was well fed.

With the end of the meeting in sight, there was one more item on the agenda - namely the award of a Silver Medal to Tony Walters for his tireless efforts and hard work in raising money for our society through plant sales, and for the support that he gives to young and novice growers. The committee decided that in recognition of this, from 2025, the cup for the Novice class at the early show will be named the Tony Walters Novice Cup.