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Obituary for Lionel James Prosser

Obituary for Lionel James Prosser

It is with great sadness that we have to inform you of the passing  of Lionel James Prosser (Jimmy) on December 19th. 
Jimmy had been growing chrysanthemums for over 60 years.  He gave many talks around the South Wales area, (Ivor Mace says that he saw his first Large Exhibition chrysanthemums at one of Jim's talks, and that's what got him started) Jim was very proud of this. Jim passed his judging exam in the early 1970's.  Jim worked as a painter at Felindre steel works and when it closed he started on his own as a sign writer. Jim was also a very accomplished water colour painter.  He loved playing bowls, but most of all growing chrysanthemums.  There were several small chrysanthemum societies in the Swansea area, circa 1970 he got them all together and formed Swansea Chrysanthemum Society. He has been chairman ever since.  The highlight of Jim's year is a trip to the National Show to compete in the society's classes. Jim was president of the South Wales Group.  The National Chrysanthemum Society bestowed upon Jimmy their Gold Medal last year 2022. He is survived by his two sons, grandchildren and great grandchildren.  He was 92 years old.  Photo at 2023 National Show, November 2023.