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Growing Late Flowering Chrysanthemums by Ivor Mace

Growing Late Flowering Chrysanthemums by Ivor Mace


It gives me great pleasure to write a few words recommending this, the first e-Book, published under the banner of the National Chrysanthemum Society, to you.

The author Ivor Mace needs no introduction from me being probably the leading amateur exhibitor of his generation be it with his beloved large exhibition chrysanthemums, leeks, onions, roses or carnations, whichever of these Ivor turns his hand to he is a force to be reckoned with.

The days of the head gardener and “muck and mystery” regimes are gone, and Ivor details his methods of growing late chrysanthemums in detail and in the last chapter other national growers contribute their knowledge of the various sections of the chrysanthemum classification to augment the words of Ivor. Modern cultivars have been improved immeasurably by our hybridisers and this book will hopefully enable you to get the best out of these.

You will find the contents of the e-book easy to read and understand if you are new to growing the chrysanthemum, conversely many an established grower will find “nuggets” of information to increase their prior knowledge of growing our favourite flower. This is a book for all chrysanthemum enthusiasts and amateur horticulturalists generally.

Roger Brownbridge 
National Chrysanthemum Society 
January 2022.

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